Friday, May 25, 2007 @7:22 AM
yoohoo, holis are tmr! YAY feeling very high and happy now. this whole sabbatical week was a week i rested, sleeping abt 10 every night, though my aim was to sleep at 8. i can predict what my june holi would be like. its gonna be so fun. sleep-overs, movie marathons and skating dancing! im so gonna skate like 4 times a week and dance trice? yup, so improve on my artistic flow, cause now its just not there. and prac my instruments including ju hua tai, the a major part, my left hand is moving fast trying to press in time, and jiangjunling when i realised i ve been playing wrong way =(( and ben chi, like what jia yin said, alr improved from san4 bu4 to man4 pao2 le. >.< andpiano! somehow i just like it now. heh.
and then shopping shopping spree! mama has owed me a lot of things since dunno when. and i rmbed nicole's birthday is coming! gasp* i havent got her yet, and owed arthur her present for a month.. im quite sure she has given mine away.. =((
ok and thanks for all the belated presents too! hehe its nice to still receive presents when ur birthday is over. =)) THANK YOU!
Saturday, May 19, 2007 @11:30 PM
SLEEP-OVER PARTY !!! =)))YAY we had me and tiff's combined 14th birthday- sleepover party ytd.. mine's on 15th and tiff 21st which is tmr, so we chose 19th, an in-between date. supposed to join them in the afternoon at escape, but didnt in the end. dun mention that part. but later i went for dance in the end and took some random pics haha, then went to tiff hse, haha the celebration quite fun.
adapted from vanice's blog. but mostly it was abt the escape part which i missed =(
omg i think im going to cry when tiffany leaves ): this is so sad.
Yesterday was the ultimate love at escape <3><3 style="font-style: italic;">ur stuff for zeh sleepover sadly sirui didnt sleepover ): hmm then at 10 plus we took tiff's mum's car to newton mrt , met shiqi and mengjie there,.and took mrt to city hall to meet youjia. Then the 7 of us went to white sands mall and ate at burger king :D then took 354 to downtown east and walked to escape xD in the mean time eli and i and tiffany kept using our cheeeena accents to irritate youjia :DD roflmao was damn funny. Then went to escape and we were complaining lor, They made us buy this 16.50$ ADULT ticket heeeelooooo. we dont even look like adults lor wtfwtfwtf zzz waste my muuunehhhh. Then the first ride we took was i forgot! OHOH YAKULT :D the lie on the thing and spinning thing. heh :D oh and we took viking! i realise alot of people are very uhm, easy giddy/pukey haha so they didnt sit at the end of the viking ship thingum i sat with mengjie like 3 times i think viking is so funny haha you see all the scared people hor, all their faces like to got constipation XD HAHAAROFLROFL. oh and we took the spaceship thingum at first tiffy poke didnt dare to take! but it was like damn shiok can sleep one hehehehehe :D and the only ride/thing i was freaked about was the haunted house. tifffany and sirui bhind me keep screaming, nothing scream, got thing scream and tiff kept stepping on my slippers i kept on wanting to fall -.- HAHA i grabbed shiqi damn tight i think, imagine if you fall in the middle of a haunted house :/ hmm then the guy behind kept grabbing sirui's bag and banging stuff so sickening -.- hmm. haunted house was quite stupid lar the screaming thign was for fun it wasnt even really scary lol. and we took the WET AND WILD it was absolute love x) eiffel and i shouted fuuuuuuuuuccccccccc-kkkkk all the way down the 15m drop from the tip haha it was damn fun but i got bloody wet i was so glad i wore fbts instead of real shorts, yuck. HAHA :) oh yeah and i got sunburnt very pain when i bathe! D: hmm then we met eiffels cousin and her bunch of guyfriends and we had screaming competition and they could scream higher than us ewwwww so we stopped screaming and changed to manly low voice shouting : D HEH. hmm we drank and some ate at orange julius and we saw this two couples of CAL (a) CAB , cao ah lian and cao ah beng. D: TSK LAR. smoke smoke smoke and what blow out puffs of gross smoke and somemore go throw cigarette on the wall warlow go die lar! stupid trollops and poltroons. and one of the girls was like dressed so. pros-ish ewwwww . and they took wet and wild and one of the cab's took off his shirt and the tattoos were like. wtf o.0 hmm no abs somemore take off shirt for what lar. stupid cabs and cals. and one of the cab went to drop cigarette ash thingum on fiona's hand and fiona called him a fuggkker :D YAY fiona :] heh. hmm oh we also took the family coaster which was like haha damn amusing and eli kept screaming my ear huh, was tortured XD ROFL. everytime she scream i start laughing LOL. then we went back to tiffanys house and had party and we played truth or dare it was damn funny! :D they dared me to call kevin and say ' eh i love you' in a manly voice XD ROFLMAO that wasnt the funniest oh and we dared eli to call a guy and ask him whats his underwear colour and the guy actually smsed back and said btw its blue o.0 LOL ridiculous. ohoh and we called some guys like jingwei and uhm bernard? and we start talking about gross stuff lol horny hornnnyyyyy and then called some other guys and we were like 'hello this is dr. roberts and im here to inform you about the results of your recent medical checkup. we found out that you have pubic lice " and we start telling them what is pubic lice and the way to stop it from spreading is sprinkling vitagen over the infected area LOL IT WAS DAMNN FUNNY JM AND I WERE FINDING IT SO HARD TO CONTROL OUR LAUGHTER PLS XD roflrofl! some of them were like playing along they said " uhm, okay, uhuh," and some were like "HAHA, okay" then some just hung up after awhile. timothy smsed rania(cos we used her phone) and said "haha that was interesting..." LOL LAR XD such amusing things happen when we're seriously high/bored/horny XD rofl then we talked about random stuff and then ate ruffles at around 2 am and drank root beer :D then at around 3.00 am we went to sleep :D then this morning had pizza popcorn and 7up for breakfast :D watched a bit of a horror movie and helped count coins and went home with eli! :D i want to repeat yesterday<3
haha, but on a more detailed account, we slacked and ate lots food, wanted to watch ghost movie and stuff, and tiff turned off the lights but somehow we didnt and then played dai dee (big 2) yup, then quite fast somehow ppl left, until 7 of us, the 6 sleepovers and weiqing. truth or dare haha, totally hilarious, i really think we're being so sick minded and calling up many guys on jie min's phone to prank call saying they have pubic lice! haha, and one of them sounded so serious and scared, he kept going "ah-he, ya, ya.." haha, we tried stiffling our laughter really hard, but i think there were some giggles though. so wq asked jie min to better sms all those ppl we pranked call on, in case they really believe it. HAHA. we had a dry run and everyone laughed like shit. but luckily the real one it was good. and thankful that they didnt hang up while eli was pretending to be "dr roberts". thats not so bad, the one where we called them up, pretending that we called them by accident was totally wrong. sayin vulgarities and claiming that tiff had ---. and they called up zach to find out his underwear colour? and he smsed back to jiemins phone i think, saying it was blue haha. and when vanice smsed him it was a prank, he said that it wasnt blue anyway. lol. then sadly wq had to leave, though it was alr 11.30!
then we continued gossip or wdv, and lay in our beds, all the way until like 1.30, i couldnt stand it anymore, just went to slp while they continued... but jiemin slept earlier with her ear muffs haha. she slept soundly at bout 12 plus or so..
i woke up 5 times only to find them still awake gossiping, and vanice still smsing... i kept asking her what was the time because i felt that it seemed ages, but apparently it was only 2 plus..
continued to slumberland..
woke up again and they were all missing! but i rmbed before i sleptm i heard them eating chips and saying abt going down at midnight to watch movie.. so i assumed that..
when i awoke again, they were all back, and i saw van and yv, but not eli, so i asked van where was she, btw my mind is still in a unconscious state. then she said very seriously, she went home, her parents came to fetch her b cos she didnt tell them and they are very angry..
i was like what?? at the middle of the night? but still, heh, got fooled by vanice acting man.
went back to slp, and when i woke up eli was there! and they all laughing... =.=
ok then couldnt be bothered, slp again. i realised i woke and slp many many time that night! the next time i woke, they all were sleeping, but tiff was walking round, trampling on my mattress, making lots noise etc.. and van and eli told me she was sleepwalking. before i slept we gossiped abt some sleepwalking issue... so i was thinking, why is it that wat we said came true. and tiff wass so irritaing, sleeping still bu fang guo wo, must take away my blanket, i was shivering la, luckily yvonne is very nice she lent me half of her nice blanket xD
but tiff was dunno doing what? swinging it? and making a lot of noise...
and eli and van, but i think eli was laughing so loudly so loudly.. grah..
hm.. well then finally could sorta have a peaceful sleep.. though it was rather cold at night..
love that sleep over party. i wanna have one at my hse some day since eli and van also said the 12th floor is good for one! o.0 but on the fourth i might have another one at frens hse. yipeee!
random or pics we took :))
we all just woke up in the morning..
the night before.. when we were prank calling..
a picture of what a pubic lice looked
the tai tai's playing cards.
random pic of me, van, eunice!
haha the emo kids.
bev and kim!
they all harassing poor froster.. in a very ah-hem way.. esp bev
wei qing and tiff!
weiqing and i!
OUR LOVELY CAKE !! i love the chocolate. gonna buy one someday for my pleasure eating

eunice, yv, kim slacking in one side while we were cookin the pizza or something in the kitchen
youjiaa, me, van, and eli :D

they all trying to gang 'rape" nicole, for always pulling our brastraps. although they failed, but kim managed to do so! haha
shao1 zhu4! the LOBSTER
and thats the day we spent i think.. yup.. cant wait for next hehe.
Thursday, May 17, 2007 @6:13 AM
YAY finally i can blog now! thanks to my darling vanice, who rectified the problem for me. And then i can have a new skin, new tagboard.
ytd eli and vanice came my house, supposedly do hw.. but guess what happened in the end..

eli trying to fit her head in the helmet. haha.

looks like fit in but its not, eli still bu4 si2 xin1....

haha she decided to really give up.

vanice sitting in a very unglam way, decorating her/ eli phone with my markers. xD
(photo has been taken away though :/)

haha strangling each other, see it carefully. elcb looks so cute.
btw ELCB ELCB ELCB ELCB ELCB ELCB ELCB ELCB ELCB.. its no longer eli already, until she stops calling me p--- s---, =.= all nicole lau fault i have this so horrid name. eeks.
ok and 15th May is over, so now im 14. sweet 14. =))
thanks to chongmin, mengjie, youjia, shiqi who smsed me happpy birthday early morning. and the genebee, who wrote happy birthday 3 times haha. peiyu dear for the 2 earrings. thanks i like them! and nicole lau for that pink candle... and she still had the cheek to tell me: i didnt have time to shop so i ll took this from my house i bought last time and its new. btw this is relatively cheap so u dont have to spend loads on mine! "
so =.========
cant stand nicole lau trust her to still abuse me on my birthday by wat? calling me p--- s----.
good gracious. her randomness. and i cant believe it that it has become my sorta new name. grah.
hm.. and then my bf cherie from 202 +10 who wrote on the classboard haha. and lydia, zhenping, chalet, vivi too! xDD
hehe, and sam for chocs, roycey and ron for the presents. lalala. and those on msn who wished me happy birthday. tz, who randomly said it 2wice hehe, and weiqing for that birthday song, iris and others yay.
and then on sat me and tiff have a joint party, sleepover one. yay omg , icant believe it. its gonna be fun. xD what are we gonna do overnight? what ghost movie? play majong or dai di ? o.0 hehe whatever it is.
ok but now im dead totally chines sia and feature article haha!! die die, do now. doubt i can finish, just hand 2 to qiu laoshi tmr la! >.
Sunday, May 13, 2007 @12:12 AM
darn it, my whole blogging system has problem. but dun worry, ill try and rectify it soon! >.<