Saturday, June 30, 2007 @7:38 AM
ANTI-EMO pls. i realised how disguisting it is for me to be emo and saccharine. i'd better kick out of that sickening habit.
HAHA, on a lighter note, talk abt the recent happenings yay. hee, seemed to slack quite a lot lately, r and j only read through the summary, not the book. spent 2 hrs just now on the art shoe, and managed to only complete 1! at this super slow rate i think im just dumb to work so slowly.
GOOD LUCK to those who went for skate-malaysia today! all the best!
and be-lated birthday to sabrina!
i need to go shopping desperately for be-lated presents. (6!)
missed dance today =( heard that lesson with belmon was very fun as he was being funny and cute today.
wish for this year: never ever behave and speak like --
Monday, June 25, 2007 @1:39 AM
HAHA i know this post came a bit late, but still..
(tongzhen and i baked fudgy brownies for gz potluck last friday.)
we spent like half an hour in the supermarket trying to find all the ingredients, esp the cocoa powder, (pronounced as ko-ko)
the truth behind those brownies
3/4 cup butter
2 cups sugar
1 cup cocoa
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
3 eggs
1 cup ap flour
1 cup chocolate chips
in other words, we were supposed to use 2 cups = 500g of sugar, but we had REDUCED SUGAR to abt 400g. xDD healthier. and added whole pack = 250g of chocolate chips.
btw the cups refer there, is = 250g.
f.y.i., if u want to know the nutrition serving:
Nutrition information per serving (one 2-inch square, without nuts or chocolate chips, 39g): 154 cal, 4g fat, 2g protein, 4g complex carbohydrates, 16g sugar, 1g dietary fiber, 43mg cholesterol, 110 mg sodium, 200 mg potassium, 68RE vitamin A, 2mg iron, 16mg calcium, 50mg phosphorus, 9mg caffeine.
melting the butter in the pan

adding in cocoa powder

after mixing

mixing well and tongzhen cleaned up the pot and formed it into this shape

adding in all the chocolate chips

the nicely and lightly greased tray.

after putting and flattening it onto the tray

i just found out the reason for the brownies being super hard on friday morning. the recipe wrote: put them inside a pre-heated 325 degree oven and bake for abt half an hour.
it meant in fareinheit, we thought it was celcius, but the highest for my oven was 250, so ya and we left for only 15minutes and it became like that. what if we left if for 30 mins?? ...

my house has an extra set of baking ingredients, because we wanted to bake one more at first hah. dunno when will the next time i ll get to use them. >.<
Tuesday, June 19, 2007 @9:21 PM
i feel so bad. holis are ending!! i just started on my hw, barely even gonna finish it. wanted to wake up at 7.30am once to do the hw, but haha overslept. i need much longer holis!
btw, something random.
if u noticed, this has been my pm for several days haha. its lame, but ya. thats because there was supposed to be one that matched it haha, wanice wrote one abt me sitting on the rug with rats and roaches.
"vanice the wanice is a vimbo wimbo who weeps and whines while wearing a wig with white whiskers wondering why."
apparently she named anyone first letter of name + imbo. which means combination of the person and bimbo. haha. originated from yimbo. guess any 202 or debaters shd know whose that. xD
diee today we're gonna start on geog and i plan to finish chi sia, prac piano and gz. end of blogging.
Thursday, June 14, 2007 @9:11 PM
HAHA its the holidays so i shd be blogging more, but then i realised i was too lazy or wdv.
pirates of the carribean rocks! ohmygosh, johnny depp is so cute and orlando blooms so hot! :D
wanted to watch it the second time with jack, but no haha, no money.
eh, somehow how come holis are so so fast? seemed to have done a lot, but yet seem to have done nothing also, hehe. i dunno what im saying but ya.
i regret a lot a lot for not starting to skate 10 yrs ago, or a few yrs, then maybe i would have the chance to be a national skater now. how sad. i want to wait for next yr so excited, jo planned a schedule of taking interschools in begining june, end june - skate-malaysia, end july- skate asia, end-august - skate-taiebei and then end yr winter classics and skate singapore. so cool and fun. but dunno whether mommy let. =( im getting new skates !! yay.. waiting for them and their really nice. i suppose.
watched fantastic four ytd, with youjiaa haha, was quite nice! grr.. LOH PEI-YU, do u regret not turning on ur phone now?? apparently, we were supposed to watch movies together, but somehow suay suay just didnt haha, waiting for nancy drew now, because there isnt anything else nice right? want to go shopping!
apparently regretted not following or tagging along to hk, at least i can have good food and great shopping. but think on the bright side, without them here, haha, the whole house has gone on a revolution. geese, haha i can go out everyday, royce is goin to play mahjong everyday until 3am. well, thats not a good thing actually haha.
and and i better start on my hw!! eeks, realised that i havent done. xDD
Thursday, June 7, 2007 @1:39 AM
all i can say is, our cinnimon rolls turned out horrendous, haha but next time we will do a better job! tongzhen looked like she was on drugs, so sleepy the whole day! hm... it was so amazing to see yh, tang2 tang2 de gz huang2 di4. HAHA! what we did can be seen from the various blogs below...
and i wondered why can people bake such nice cinnimon rolls, comparing to our chaota one!
apparently they're all here to type this post.
Lydia: apparently yuhui just finished doing my toe nails and she's doing rania's one now!!isnt it fascinating!! our pres who always wana mantain her so called presidently mannerism is lyk being so bimbo n doing our nails!!! hohoho so fun la lalala if nxt time yuhui cnnt find ajob, she can just go to a nail parlour and work there! besides, rania's room is the perfect place to be bimbo!!
Tongzhen:I wana slp la*hugs pillow and starts drooling*
she says cancel start drooling. rubbish.
yuhuii: no comments
Adapted from yuhui's blog...
background information:
at rania's house making cinnamon roll. in rania's kitchen digging out apparatus.
rania: ya i have. in my room in the TOILET!
this is the weighing scale rania was referring to:
background information:
rania was shouting from the 12th storey (her aunt's house) to 11th storey (her own house where her maids are)
rania: aunty can you get me a roller? (roller needed to spread and roll the cinnamon role)
aunty: oh, roller we have! you want short one or long one??
rania: huhh got short one and long one ahh?
30 seconds later
aunty comes up...
aunty: here, rania!
lydia, tongzhen and i: DIED LAUGHING.
i think we didnt take the MOST DISGUSTINGGG PARTTTSSS OF US MIXINGGG THE DOUGHHHHHHHHHHH. ITS REALLY DISGUSTING. REALLY. this the part after we have done we our disgusting mixing. and rolled it up :]
cutting it into 16 pieces!
the mutated shapes and disgusting ones are cut by me. :/ lydia cuts them rather nicely though.
hardworking me cleaning up
our recipe stained with butter. sugar and flour :/you know how clumsy we are.
while waiting for the roll to rise. tongzhen sleeping on rania's bed.
rania has the same bedsheet as me!! TWEETY BIRD. HAHAA
lydia says rania's room makes her feel extremely bimbotic. QUITE TRUE. the nail polishes are all lined up on the pink shelf so nicely for you to take and apply them.
and thus, TADAH.
MY ARTWORK. not on my own feet but for my two juniors rania and lydia -.-
imagine me bending down helping my juniorssss -.- HAHAHAHA QUITE NICE I THINK! judging by how clumsy i can get! i think this is RANIA'S FEET. HAHA.
i thought it looked like dog poo :/
now there's 2 pieces of them left at home.
my dad, my mum and my sis each took one mouth.
and refused to take the second bite :[
hahaha i dont wanna eat it myself either!
my juniors are quite bimbotic. rania and lydia started discussing abt which manicure shop to go to make their nails!!! -________-
haha if only pam was there!!
and i think pam will go OMG when she tries our cinnamon roll. HAHA.
oh my first attempt in baking sth without my mum's supervision.
HAIYA. 下次再努力。
rania, one lesson learnt:
you dont use your weighing machine in yout toilet to weigh your flour and sugar -____-
from tz:
was sleepy the whole day. and rania's weighing scale! needed a weighing scale for the baking. and rania's weighing scale.. was in her room, and in the
bathroom! so amusing ((: and then she asked her aunty for a roller. and her aunty asked if she wanted a long or short one. and she came with a ruler! hehehheheheh! and other amusing happenings at her house. although i was almost asleep most of the time. and yuhui was painting lydia's and rania's toenails o.0 if i went home with painted nails i bet my mother will start screaming. anyway, the cinnamon roll were chao da! and it looked super not nice when it was cute up into 16 portions. heh. but my brother ate up everything that i brought back home. hehe. my mother and aunt refused to try it. my father took a bite and couldn't chew it properly. and m brother ate the rest :] yay
from pam's
I was feeling boliao this morning, so I decided to make cinnamon rolls, using
the same recipe that Yuhui, Rania, Tongzhen and Lydia used.
First you mix the yeast with tepid water to activate the yeast, and then you add sugar, an egg, and salt. Then flour is added a little at a time till the dough comes together. Then you transfer the dough onto a floured surface. (The dough would be quite shaggy and sticky at this point.)

Knead it, flouring the surface and the dough whenever the dough gets sticky, for about 8 minutes until it is fairly smooth.

Let it rest for ten minutes before rolling it out into a rectangle that's quarter inch thick.

Add your fillings. I made 2 variations, the first being the cinnamon one that's the recipe specified, and the second being blueberry cheesecake. For the latter, I smeared cream cheese on the dough and dotted it with blueberries, and finally sprinkled a mixture of 1 tablespoon each of sugar and ground almonds and zest of one lemon.

Then I rolled both doughs up and stuck them into the freezer for a couple minutes to firm them up slightly.

Cut the dough into the number of pieces specified in the recipe (because I halved the recipe, I cut mine into eight pieces). I was highly amused by the blueberry ones. HAHA.

I then stuck them in the cups of my greased mini muffin tins and placed parchment paper collars around them so that when they rise, they would rise vertically and not horizontally. This is how they looked like when they were baked:

The blueberry ones were tasty! Lemon and blueberry is like the perfect couple and the cream cheese complemented that cos it was slightly tangy too. Sam and I loved the blueberry ones most while M preferred the cinnamon ones.

All in all, the rolls were a satisfying start to the day ahead and although they were less feathery that I'd like them to be, they were quick to whip up and I washed less dishes than usual. So yeah, I suppose these were worth the minimal effort :)
Monday, June 4, 2007 @2:17 AM
haha havent been blogging since some time, hm.. quite busy these holi heh. this whole week been packed with skating lessons, then psl duty etc.. but now its funner hehe. inter school compts are finally over. quite sad with my performance that day. it was rather and relatively bad.. i dont mind taking the same level again for skate singapore as long as i have done better.
sat i went at 11 plus, nearing twelve as my event was 12.55 or something, then stayed all the way till eight plus at night! had another solo compts at 5 plus, but in between i ate and ate at the foodcourt first and then watched shrek 3 haha, b5 going at 5. after that i stayed back because all the rest were taking fs1 at 6 plus and their jump and spins at 8. ya, so we were all there competiting who threw the furthest flowers etc.. i cant believe the flowers i threw couldnt even beat a 6 year old kid! urh. was a long and tiring day..
sun went rather late haha, because i woke up at 11 plus, then couldnt watch alethea and jaime's artistic, but we watched the pros skate. joelle was sad she missed her idol boy's footwork, but saw his programme later anyways. sam, jaime, alethea, elizabeth, i and sam's "boyfriend" were sharing a bar to sit at haha..
for me and sam's couples, we had to wear pajamas and tie our hair into two buns! ohmygosh we looked so retarded! and we walked around the rink like that. people were all staring haha. so act-cute. and our competitiors were 8 yr old kids. (age grp 8-14) and charissa said we had to act as cute as possible later. others keptasking us why we wore like that, and if we were gonna sleep on the ice haha, but too bad no. we were doing sorta mirror images. and sam wanted her 4 golds, and i wanted one, so i could have one gold, one silver and one bronze. but too bad, unluckily, the prop failed us. the frame couldnt stand and after 15 sec sam was trying to make it stand, and so the music just started. sadly. we were that close.
anywyas, im looking forward to skating again! and for the next skate singapore. i told myself i must gt someone to design a nicer costume. because the "swin-suit" rainbow costume is just -----