Friday, July 27, 2007 @8:07 AM
i seriously dunno whats happened to my blog skin. its supposed to look like this:

anyways i think these days were rather crappy but i also dunno, actually can be quite fun too. hee. every cloud has a silver lining! okay first was the speechh, i regretted regretted not writing it earlier as i left my half written speech in sch!!! plus thurs recess and lunch was totally filled with romeo and juliet rehearsals. so left with no choice, i had to like finish it at 2pm.. =/ i learnt the lesson. pam and lydiaa edited my script, much thanks, cause the grammer i know is horrendous. >.< then the speeches started, i tht they were gonna start with sec2s, but apparently they started from 3s!! haha so i felt so like qing song, and like tht oh wells, it ll be a long time. i wasnt nervous, cause i tht to my self i was only panicking earlier as i had no speech, imagine speechless. -.- but i realised that when i have a script on hand, and i looked through to assure there is nothing wrong or weird with it, it shd be fine. at least much better than impromtu speeches i make in class. actually the speech was not exactly long, but then one para sounded weird so i decided to take it off when its my turn, esp when at that time we were short of time, it was a GOOD THING. 天助我也!! super fast like it was my turn, then when i was walking up, somehow i just heard someone behind say bimbo, then i stood there. stared at everyone, and then somehow i just suddenly cannot help it but burst out laughing. i tried very hard to control but i realised i cant. now i understand why ppl do laugh when making speeches. soo unexpected.. =/ i think the ppl were sian and i was losing attention.
haha friday was super tiring, i was out since 6am to 11pm haha according to aunty joyce. we had audi rehearsal and then the concert! reached home at 11 plus.. =/
the next morning still had to reach sch at 7am to jog and have history tuition from yuhui with pam, tongzhen, and jiayin. ahhaha
i think interview i was being stupid. on the way down, i couldnt help but feeling so jin zhang i burst out laughing again -.- amanda asked if i needed her to accompany me, but i realised at that circumstances, a person that wil provoke me to laugh more. so i stood outside and decided jogging shd help. yah, then i keep hearing laughter coming from inside, haha. i managed to calm down and tried hard not to laugh. i was very very proud of myself for not laughing out, and to me, that was enough liao. managed to keep my calm till i came out, and half-laughing called hanyi to go in..
this nervous breakdown is a serious issue i should quickly address and find a solution. i never had this problem before until thurs the moment i standed up in front. im very thankful to get what i wanted - count money. assistant tresurer. thank you! and congrats to all those too!

Monday, July 23, 2007 @1:51 AM
had help dsa registration counter on sat morning 7am-9am, and speak to 176 parents/ students, well including 20 plus who paid 80 dollars for the test but didnt so hungry and my mouth was so dry for repeating the same sentence over and over again. luckily we had mcdonalds food provided. ha ha! and then cca! after that was cip in orchard, a lot of us took 174 to orchard, and we were crapping. lol. reached taka and then bought our food and chionged back to tangs, thinking we were late. -.-
then cip with shuhui and claire, we went to city hall mrt to ask for money. by 3 o clock, we were done alr! hahaha, and went starbucks for coffeee... then bought subway cookies, which shuui contributed to the rania's fund. xD
and then we sat down beside the fountain and appreciated the beauty of water.
later on we shopped and shopped, before returning back to tang.
if i known that we could leave when we returned the tin, i could have gone for gladdys near rafless alr =.=
haha but actually i think sat was quite fruitful.
all the tests sucked. i must learn how to finish my wk faster.
Friday, July 20, 2007 @7:09 AM
today is quite meaningful. during history lesson, we were supposed to have science, but i think the teacher forgot and we slacked and did science ws due and etc.eli and i realised a way to deal with nicole and others when they're irritating haha. threaten to shock her. then maths sian. like our test is alr on mon and shes still go through ws 7.2, which is not tested. in the morning we had this career values inventory, haha so amusing. i had recognition and relationships for the highest. HAHA which means, i can be model, agricultural crop worker, etcc.. and ... a lot rather unlikely, but still a guideline bah.
tmr dsa registration 6.50-9, then cca prac, cca cip.. sun study study for maths!! D:
Saturday, July 14, 2007 @8:37 AM
this is a stupid and meaningless post, but i have nothing to do or dunno what to post.sometimes i feel this year is a weird year, but a rather fast-pacing one also, a lot seemed to have happened. hm.. maybe its me who became weirderhad cca this morning, 'yi gu ren' is one the hardest songs i ve seen in counting the beat! but i suppose it ll train my sense of rhythm. hee. supposed to watch harry, but as expected no seats. bit disappointed, went home. loved dance today. i regret wearing my dance shoes without changing cause i think it ll spoil it. =(
then was mercury! hehe, saw eiffel oor, who did so well. i couldnt help laughing halfway when sueen told me abt nick ng laugher, and felt it was so extra giggling, when the whole audi was quiet and solemn. then, we went backstage to give eif the flowers, and everyone tried hard to make her cry. hehe, but she laughed even more.
so what am i still doing here?
time to sign off and off tv.
Sunday, July 8, 2007 @9:12 PM
i think im being a bit too mean lately.
shouldnt comment too much anymore.
i MUST stop eating chocolate and sweet stuff
today had height and weight
and to my horror
i am so much fatter than i think.
i must not slack too much.
suitable is finewhile others are here during maths free period doing maths hw
here i am.
Saturday, July 7, 2007 @1:03 AM
haha i know ytd was considerably a fun day..
haha 202 stall had a lot of mischaps, like not enough oil, the whole pot of fries splashing onto the floor when the table gave way. and then when all the stalls have set up, we havent even decorated our table! but later, vanice decorated it well, but we realised the cooking was so slow we had nothing to offer the customers! haha.
after the funfair, gen and i were youtubing, finished love exchange (why why love) three epi haha!
fencing was urh pissifying and fun! hehe first time freefencing is fun.. conclusion: luke sword is gonna break soon.
*arg lately i dunno why am i complaining and getting so fan over that issue la. actually, its not my concern and my position to comment at all. darn extra. but if reality is gonna be like that, i dont see an alternate solution other than accept reality.