Thursday, July 31, 2008 @12:58 AM
currently im super free, without cca and training and stuff, esp aft block tests, but yet im feeling rather stressed. over what? i dont know either. there seems like work to do during almost every break.
its just weird. lots weird stuff are happening lately.
nvm abt that.
2 days and im gonna see doc.
since the start of this week, my ankle has been hurting rather weirdly.
i dont rmb doing anything that will worsen it, but it just is.
honestly, i have this fear that if i broke the screw or smthing im gonna have to endure another few weeks or operation? to insert another one -.-
i cant take that, thats for sure.
i always tht that aft the operation to remove those screws, it ll be back to normal, but i guess its not exactly the case.
i dont know why you're like that. maybe all along its just like that. and you think its funny but its not. you may laugh, but have you ever tht that maybe i will mind? and you arent even making a single attempt to get out of my way, but simple go past, and like oh? see if you dont bang into me or what? behind those smiles you said no one knew what was really there. have you ever considered that for my case? i dont know what but i think its best not to talk to you tmr. bear that in mind. i have a tendency to forget who im pissed with.
Sunday, July 27, 2008 @9:11 PM
17 days
~ countdown with me
Friday, July 25, 2008 @10:38 PM
just did this colour revelation thing, see the results:
You are in a state of constant expectation and want interesting and exciting things to happen to you. But in fact, you are a 'Walter Mitty' at times - a dreamer - over-imaginative and often given to fantasy or day-dreaming. There is nothing wrong in 'dreaming' - how boring life would be if one just followed the doctrines of everyday life - but one must not continue leading a life of continuous fantasy. You need to face reality in spite of all its possible shortcomings.
Being a likeable person you get on well with neighbours and friends. You don't need anything to 'Rock your boat'. You want to 'love' and to be loved'.
The present situation, not of your making, is forcing you to compromise. You will have to hold back and forgo some of your hopes, dreams and aspirations.
As of late, you have been experiencing untold stress and this is a result of continuous frustration. You haven't been taking care of all your physical needs and it's beginning to show. It would seem that you have a need to find someone to whom you can really relate - someone perhaps whose standards are as high as your own. You want to be different - to be individualistic - to stand out from the common herd. Your inherent control of your sensual instincts is restricting your ability to give yourself to open up freely but this being on your own, being lonely, often makes you feel the need to give up some of your strict standards to surrender to the general flow - to be like everyone else; a part of the herd. Deep down you regard such instincts as weaknesses to be overcome. You would like to be loved or admired for yourself alone. You demand recognition and tender loving care.
You are putting on a show - a facade. You are a master of demonstrating considerable charm in the hope that this can or will lead to better things. Deep down you are fearful that this may not work and that you may have to employ other strategies in order to realise all your ambitions.
haha go see the bolded words. Not taking care of my physical needs. of course. who can if u can even walk on your own? its surprisingly accurate. lol (:
@2:18 AM
HAHAHA. I dunno why but somehow im having this weird sense of happiness. There isnt much to be happy abt, but i guess somehow the fact that eoys are over has hit on me. think in 3 weeks time, i wont be stuck at home facing the tv and msn, but out! whoo hoo. then i swear im gonna run 10 rounds around the tennis court, and enjoy the feeling of my feet bringing me around. its been so long that ive almost forgotten how it feels like running, the wind brushing against my face, and the sense of accomplishment, knowing ive worked out, sweat, burned some calories and hopefully more leg muscles. :Di won second prize in some lucky draw at kallang. it was because i paid for my skating lessons, and the lady was like:" oh theres some coupons u can fill up bla bla.." usually i wont, knowing the chances of winning are so slim. but somehow this is the first time i decided i shall, since i have so many. secondly, the mall is new, so rather ullu, so might have chance :Dand TA- DA! i got 2nd prize. mua haha. its a set of furniture, and they're moving the stuff up now. dunno what we're gonna do with them though lol. sell i guess. if only i got grand prize. a CAR! zomg, i swear mom's gonna be nicer to me haha :DD at least next time if she ever blames me on having lousy results on bsp or wdso-eva, because of those outside activities, i can just say, " hey, at least i won you a set of furniture okay! "and as for miss chew's olympic essay, im proud to say ive completed almost half, which is one full page long, arial font 12. its time to exercise those blubbers on my stomach. 100 crunches. its time to count down
Wednesday, July 23, 2008 @11:06 PM
its a big relief block tests, or rather, eoys are over. though i wont say it was really well, it still aint um that bad i guess. still nothing to look forward to. lets wait for another 3 weeks and it ll be a whole different story.still needa finish miss chew's pe hw. wth? who does pe essays abt how to uphold olympic spirit right aft blocks.and not forgetting.. HERSTORYbtwall the best to sab, and all those who went for worlds' ytd. :D
Friday, July 11, 2008 @11:08 PM
YAY im feeling very happy now.
but actually also very screwed.
in other words, mixed feelings.
worried is because block tests are coming in abt a week, and in fact, i havent done much revision. and in case you're wondering why im making such a big deal abt it, thats because it = to EOYS since im going china for 3 mths end of yrs and miss the actual one.
Happy is cause today was a fruitful day in terms of shopping. i got 3 more tops and a pair of jeans from mango's great sale :D
and also a book, so i ll be entertained at home. And shun bian improve my pathetic english.
secondly, aunt bk got be an APPLE IPOD NANO! :D yay. thats actually main reason why im so excited.
lastly, i saw the doctor for review and he said most prob in 5 weeks im free to walk.
so long [:
Sunday, July 6, 2008 @11:44 PM

mad, steph and ME (biggest hand)'s pretty hanna (:

HAHA the slogan for our LA camp "watch me shine"
I know this came a little late, but its the pics for our funfair :D
btw i cnt help but still feel very wasted for myself. this past 1.5 mths, ive always been thinkin, what if im not injured? what will i be doing now?
and i cannot help but feel very wasted for my intersch comp. i mean ive worked hard for it, and spent so much money. and now its all gone down the drain.
Sexi movimiento says:you damn wasted leh ♡/rania ++ mirror mirror hanging on the wall says:whyyySexi movimiento says:we're taking exams ♡/rania ++ mirror mirror hanging on the wall says:ohmanSexi movimiento says:uhhuh.Sexi movimiento says:chacha and rumbai might recover in time, but like what a few days before exam?
ren ming bah.
@11:18 PM
i am officially very pissed with myself for being so unproductive. blame it all on the stupid nds. firstly, i keep on downloading games until now the memory card is full. i try games and if its boring, i delete and naturally, download new games.secondly, ive been obsessively tryin to find a nice theme for it, to no avail.lastly, ive finished 2 hk serials in 1 wk. horrible. yay i printed "unfaithful" scoresheet, gonna try out later.yx was supposed to come and mug today so at least i ll do smthing. instead, i spent a good time viwawa-ing (big two) but point is.. what am i still doing here. 3 i shall leave comp and do BSP AND CHEMat 4 i shall prac piano at 5 i shall prac gzi do hope i ll stick by it.
Saturday, July 5, 2008 @9:53 PM
People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs. Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. il bet thats how they get these stuff gg. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people!1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?I'd be freakin pissed and give him a slap.
2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?To have all my wishes come true ;)
3. What will your dream wedding be like?hm. in disneyland! the one at LA cause i dun understand jap. Paris would be cool too4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?not really, i have goals waitin to be fulfilled 5. What is your ideal lover like?TALL is a must! it ll be the best if he's fun, smart and hot. most impt, he loves me <3
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?id say being loved
7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?depending how much i love that person. but i guess not longer than 2 wks?
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?give up and go for someone else. i wont waste my time on something that will have no ending.
9. Is being tagged fun?yes, because it gives me smthing to do when im bored :D10. How do you see yourself in ten years' time?i ll be 25, hopefully rich and attached (:11. Who are currently the most important people to you?
my dear frens and family.
12. What kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is?emo but lately not emo :D and definitely evil
13. Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?depends on what is the definition of poor
14. What's the first thing you do every morning? open my eyes15. Would you give it all in a relationship?if its serious, perhaps
16. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?the one who loves me more.
17. What type of friends do you like?those that are caring, nice and fun to bully! (:18. What type of friends do you dislike?definitely bitches, back-stabbers and hypocrites
Thursday, July 3, 2008 @12:58 AM
seriously now my life is so boring and monotonous theres pretty nothing much to post. but im lookin forward to start trainin hand work in fencing. its definitely a lot better than doing nothing. and its to bring forward a step to 2010. i really hope its a dream that will come true.:DDDDDi bought ticks for chinese dance production but i doubt i ll be able to go =( ohmanz and i rmb last wk steph and i were watchin the hci mad (music and dance) audition on youtube, and the ppl are DAMN PRO. we were so freaked out. but still, we'll work towards that (:I MISS LATIN. tmr is the funfair, hopefully i can have fun too.
p.s. i really dont know how you think b*****. is that a mask you meet me everyday or just simply you. anyways ive doubt you've noticed it but im now very bu shuang. and i dont give a damn abt you. SRY FOR THIS BITCHY POST BUT SERIOUSLY IM FEELING CHAO BU SHUANG AND IT HAS BEEN BLOATING INSIDE ME SINCE THE START OF THE YEAR. =(