Monday, December 8, 2008 @3:04 AM
ohmygod. i cant believe i ijust spent like 46 days i china! i left beijing ilke 1.5 weeks ago and i miss it. suzhou here is horrible. its like a prison. and i am pretty suay i must say. ( look below)
rah anyways i do miss bsc. alt it was rather tough and stuff, like horrible oily food, we had quite a lot of fun!! and ive uploaded some of the pics onto my long dead fb! haha.
im gonna upload the remaing 23245466 photos when i go back sing which is in..... 4 DAYS!
YAY. to do lists once i get back:0. LOSE WEIGHT1. buy a new phone ( i crushed my hp in bj)2. meet up wif all my besties :D ( tiny claire yeo pam chia lynn py nic I MISS HANGING OUT!)3. watch my pirated cds YAY i bought 24 discs of pirated serials mua haha)4. START TRAINING as in fencing yoohoo5. start trainig staminaaa eg JOGGING6. resume long phone chatting sessions!7. catch up on my long lost hk serials8. DO RANDOM STUFFmeanwhile, lets get back to the present:
a list of suay events:1. i stained my bedsheet the first day in bj like wth?2. i had 3 close encounters wif cockroaches in beijinggg (1. cockroaches in toothbrushes!! stepping onto cockroach trap anddd see a family of cockroaches once i set foot in the room. eew. gross right?)3. my camera is SPOOKED. like shutter? when u take everything and it comes out misty and white. D:4. i spoilt my bj phonecard when the phone got crushed =/5. i lost my bus transport card that was worth 40 @#$#!%6. i dropped my 200 rmb newly bought sunglasses into the toilet bowl and threw it away.7. shuting and i got lost in suzhou! hah 8. i bought 2 really nice edhardy shirts and got cheated bcos the lady gave me a size smaller =.=9. I CANT FIND MY 600/700 REMAINING MONEY! D:a list of accomplished events:1. MOVIES!- what happens in vegas- made of honour-27 dresses- grave of the fireflies- yu gou gou de 10 yue ding- hua pi- connected ( rewatched)-enchanted ( rewatched)- house bunny (rewatched)etc etccc...2. SERIALS- ugly betty season 1-2- gossip girl season 1- heroes season 2 (currently) I BOUGHT SEASON 3 YES! - kintaichi ( currently) 3. shopping!!SHOPPING! THE BEST PART OF THE TRIP. but um itsuncountable, so i shall spare u the pain of reading throu the long list :Din anycase, im going back in 4 days! and its time to lose those blubbers.
andd i thnk im planning to delete this blog soon sometime, depends what time, since i hardly use it! lalala.
its time to start the FIND MY LOST MONEY ACTION!